Monday, 30 June 2014

Pointlessly Random Thoughts

Following Friday's post, I'm glad to report that Debenhams Beauty Club finally rallied and managed to update my details. The organisation currently dragging their heels at acknowledging the 'Big Move' are my local (soon to be ex) council. My emails have been resolutely ignored, and an attempt at ringing them resulted in me having to negotiate half a dozen automated menus, before being put into an enormous queue to speak to a general adviser! What was the point of the menus if I'm still lumbered with waiting in the general queue? Needless to say I abandoned my mission and have decided to attack from yet a different angle.

Chocolate cake - now that's not pointless!
I've been colour matched! Now that was a pointless exercise if ever there was one. On a recent shopping trip I was persuaded by the lovely lady in Boots to be assessed for my correct foundation shade. I duly sat on her stool while she cleansed a couple of patches of my face, held her little machine to my skin and read off the result - the shade I've been buying for the last goodness how many years! What's more I was informed that sometimes you don't buy the colour the machine says, as formulas for different types of coverage vary anyway. Right, so what was the point?

I see a bit of a pointless theme emerging here, so I may as well throw another question on the 'What's the point?' theme into the mix: Why does Legoland insist on parking charges when many other theme parks, don't? You can hardly park there to do your weekly shop, so what's the point?

For those of you reading my blog for the first time, I must apologise if I currently sound ridiculously crotchety. Put it down to the stress of my 'Big Move' - at last, something that isn't pointless!

Friday, 27 June 2014

Breaking The Silence

Sorry folks, it's been some time since I've written a blog post. Things have been somewhat hectic with various stages of moving house taking place and life generally taking over.

It seems that every time I do sit down to write of late, it's either for work purposes, or to let another batch of people or businesses know my new address - and believe me the latter has been a revelation in itself!

Some companies have been helpful and efficient about changing my details on their records, whilst others have either failed to recognise what I'm telling them, been very slow to respond or have just basically cocked it up!

A relaxing scene to relieve the stress
Top of my list for helpfulness and speed have been Superdrug Beautycard, whilst currently bottom are Debenhams Beauty Club, who just can't seem to grasp what I'm actually trying to tell them, bless them, with all levels of efficiency nestling between the two.

Anyway, as I write I am still in a kind of 'limbo' state. Half my home in one place, the other in another, with months of temporary accommodation still to go before reaching our final goal. Amongst the chaos I will be endeavouring to keep up a steady stream of Shoppers' Joy posts and plan to start an additional blog in the autumn about the ups and downs of my new life.

All will be revealed in the fullness of time.

Thanks for continuing to read - Joy. 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

In May I …

… have been getting to grips with mastering my new hairstyle. My new cut meant a change in blow-drying technique and even saw me ‘investing’ in a set of straighteners. It called hardly be called investing however, as I picked up a bargain from Sainsbury’s where Phil Smith hair-styling sets were being sold at a 75% discount. For around £7 I bought a handy travel bag containing ceramic-plated mini straighteners with cover and a handy folding hairbrush. A really great buy!
… ate lots of Duerr’s Ginger Preserve. It all started when I lost my appetite due to a bug, and the thought of most food left me feeling queasy. As ginger is recommended a stomach settler, I decided to give it a go, and am still totally hooked on it long after recovering from said bug. It’s delicious on toast.

… made lots of lists. Lists of people to notify about change of address, lists of jobs to do on the current house to leave it in order, lists of what is to be stored where during our complicated multi-stage move, lists of food for my mother-in-law’s 90th birthday bash … perhaps what I really need is a list of lists.
…read ‘Peril On The Royal Train’, another great story from the Railway Detective series, penned by Edward Marston. I really enjoy these crime stories set in the golden age of steam and featuring the masterful Inspector Colbeck and the feisty love of his life Madeleine. The tales are very atmospheric – a piece of history and crime combined.

… also read ‘The Missing One’ by Lucy Atkins, which I found quite chilling yet felt compelled to read at the same time. The book demonstrates how keeping family secrets can have far-reaching consequences and disturbing effects.