Friday, 8 May 2015

The Election - My Response

Like many fellow voters, I'm stunned and dismayed by the outcome of this week’s general election.

I’m hugely disappointed that we’ve been saddled with a Conservative government, as I would have preferred almost any other option, in order to facilitate a much needed change.

Even some of the more unlikely party combinations would have been preferable, to my mind, than having the country led by someone that historically appears to believe in kicking people when they’re down. I worry for the future of the NHS and our education system; I fear for the disabled and ailing individuals who have been brutally subjected to the bedroom tax; I’m concerned for the welfare of so many families that are already struggling. So many ordinary people have already been subjected to harsh measures, whilst the wealthy are given an easy tax ride – some evading the system all together!

Of course, the real problem with the whole election process is the British voting system itself! A government is chosen by the number of seats that it holds, not on the amount of individual votes. A party may win more seats, but a so-called ‘losing party’ may have won the seats they do hold by larger majorities, and possibly have more constituents within those seats. Therefore, as a nation, we often don’t get the government that we’d most like.

The other problem is that a large proportion of the electorate do not make use of their great privilege to vote, citing that, “It will make no difference”. But of course, it would!

I’d desperately like to see a government that is truly represented by the people. It’s time the British voting system underwent a complete overhaul.

What we really need is proportional representation (as in many other Western European countries), or some other similar workable system. Sadly the government are unlikely to willingly bring this into being, having ‘won’ under the existing, antiquated system. But as a nation it’s something that we should be crying out for.

Voting also needs to be made compulsory, as in countries such as Belgium and Australia. If you live in this country then you make use of available services, contribute to funds and expect support during hard times. Therefore you should equally expect to have to vote.

But back to the here and now. I’m slowly starting to recover from my initial shock and disgrace (writing this post has been somewhat cathartic) and I’m ready to campaign for causes close to my heart – something we should all consider doing regardless of our party preference.

Let’s fight for the NHS, push for a better education system and fight the things that we regard as injustices. As individuals we need to lobby MPs, write to newspapers, get our voices heard on issues that matter. I will certainly be renewing my call for a review of Ofsted*, and who knows what other campaign trails I will join?

The point is, it’s not a question of who is right, but what is right, and as a nation we need to pull together for the good of all.

*If you’re not familiar with my call for a review of Ofsted, please read my previous posts Are Ofsted Off The Mark? and Ofsted - The Response
If you use Twitter please join the #OfstedNoConfidence campaign, see
Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed - the only way to challenge to prospect of another 5 years of the Tories is to stand up to them. If we don't the poor and the vulnerable will end up in ghettoes with no resources at all.
